
[EURO-STROKE 2008]目前的干细胞治疗,仍然存在成瘤性的问题


作者:国际循环网   日期:2008/7/16 14:42:00



《INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION》: Before stem cell transplantation can become widely applicable, questions remain about the optimal site of delivery and timing of transplantation. There seems to be increasing evidence that intravascular cell delivery after stroke is a viable alternative to intracerebral transplantation. So which one is a more favorable site of delivery and why?

Dr. Lindvall: We are talking about two different objectives, one is, if you inject intravenously, you are delivering cells not to generate neurons in the brain, but you want to do other things like modulating inflammation or increasing angiogenesis. And that is something, of course, which we know that can be achieved but for example human mesenchymal stem cells. But if we want to, in my view, an efficient recovery of function, we must try to increase the number of neurons in the brain and to replace neurons and that can only be done if we either transplant stem cells into the brain or if we stimulate the formation of neurons from the brain阵 own neuronal stem cells. So if you want to do something modulating inflammation, it would be fine to do it with intravenous delivery. But that is not at all useful for replacing neurons in the stroke damaged brain.   

《INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION》:Initially, it was thought that stem cell therapy work by a ’cell replacement’ mechanism. In recent years, a large body of evidence is emerging that other potential mechanisms may be involved in the action of cell-based therapies in stroke to improve the functional outcome.What is the progress in this field?

Dr. Lindvall: I think you are absolutely right that stem cells apply as it has been over the past years mainly act not by neuronal replacement. And I think in the short term clinical trials would properly be done with mesenchymal stem cells delivered intravenously. But in the long term I am convinced that we have to develop stem therapies where you replace neurons. Now we know for example that you can generate neurons from different types of stem cells, then you can get them to survive in the stroke damage animal brain and they can also be functional and they can get the improvement. And now it is time to translate this into clinic but it will take long time because there is too much left to do. But that is I think ultimately, at the end, this is really very important to do.

《INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION》: Although stem cells hold great promise as a therapeutic strategy for many neurological diseases, their unlimited self-renewal and high differentiation potential poses the risk of tumor induction after engraftment. In what way can we reduce the tumorigenesis of stem cells and what are the recent findings with regarding to this issue?

Dr. Lindvall: Tumorgenesis is something that we have to solve when it comes to human embryonic stem cells and also these news induced pluripotent stem cells. They all have this problem. And there are several ideas how we can solve that problem. For example, by cell sorting, by manipulating the cells in different ways. So I am sure that this can be solved, but there is still a problem with present stem cells.



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