
[AHA2011]AHA主席Gordon F. Tomaselli教授谈大会亮点与基因检测进展

作者:  GordonF.Tomaselli   日期:2011/11/21 16:31:00



    <International Circulation>: What is the value of genome scans for predicting sudden cardiac death?

    Prof.Tomaselli: The value of genome scans for predicting sudden cardiac death is still experimental. Common variants in the human genome may make a small impact which cumulatively may have a large impact on phenotype. We are doing them in our own lab trying to figure out what things might be important. What common variants might be important and contribute to risk. And that is not just in genes that control susceptibility but genes that control thrombosis and a whole host of other things that we know impact on the heart. Right now, we are not in a position to use genome-wide associations or even selected genome scans for common variants to prognosticate. On the other hand, rare variants do have prognostic significance. For rare variants in the genome and those things that are associated with an inherited sudden death syndrome such as long QT syndrome, CPVT and Brugada syndrome for example, genotyping does seem to help although they still remain clinical diagnoses. It does help to inform as to who is at risk particularly not amongst people that present but amongst their family members as to who else is at risk of having an event. Genome-wide scanning is done and will be done differently in the near future. Array-based scanning is probably what is done most commonly now but high-dimensional sequencing and DNA sequencing is what will take over as machines can sequence tens of millions of base pairs of DNA and do it deeply. That will be the way to go and we will get more robust data there. It is still going to be a large bioinformatics problem and synthesizing the effect of what are not likely to be one or two or even three common variants but perhaps hundreds of common variants each of which make a small contribution but together make a big contribution and increase the risk in a significant way whereby you should act on it. There is nothing now on a genome-wide scan for anything that would cause me to actionably do something for a disease at this point.


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AHA2011大会亮点Gordon F. Tomaselli 心脏病预防基因

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