

Higher Rates of Bleeding and Thromboembolism When Dabigatran Used as Periprocedural Anticoagulation During AF Ablation

作者:国际循环网   日期:2012/6/12 9:58:51



  Higher Rates of Bleeding and Thromboembolism When Dabigatran Used as Periprocedural Anticoagulation During AF Ablation


  J Am Coll Cardiol 2012 59: 1168-1174.

  Roger A. Winkle, M.D   Silicon Valley Cardiology
  The report by Lakkireddy, et al. describes the use of uninterupted periprocedural dabigatran and compares it to the use of uninterupted warfarin in patients undergoing AF ablation.  This multicenter study noted a significant increase in bleeding and thromboembolic complications for dabigitran compared to warfarin.  The findings of this study show the importance of understanding the pharmacokinetics of an anticoagulant such as dabigitran.  Dabigatran possess several pharmacokinetic properties that are important to its safe periprocedural AF ablaton use. Several aspects of the clinical pharmacology of dabigitran suggest a potential for complications when used in an uninterrupted manner for AF ablations.
  1.There is an in vitro heparin-dabigatran interaction. Dabigatran potentiates heparin’s antithrombotic properties with a doubling of anticoagulant effect.  The increase of bleeding complications in the report of Lakkireddy, et al. suggests that this interaction occurs in vivo.
  2.After hip surgery, dabigatran absorption can be both delayed and reduced.  As a result, oral dabigatran may not provide anticoagulation during the immediate postprocedural period.  This could lead to an incease in post-procedural thromboembolic events.  Administration of enoxaparin immediately following ablation will avoid this “anticoagulant lapse” until oral absorption of dabigatran can be assured.
  3.Dabigatran has no direct antidote, so if bleeding complications occur, they may be more difficult to reverse than those which occur with warfarin anticoagulation.
  Based on these pharmacokinetic considerations it may not be appropriate to use dabigatran in an uninterrupted manner.  This does not diminish dabigatran’s utility when used in an interrupted manner.  We have reported the safe use of interupted dabigatran and have subsequently extended our experience to more than 400 patients without a single hemorhagic or thromboembolic event.
  Heparin administration to patients in whom dabigatran has not been fully interrupted might be expected to lead to increased bleeding complications and poor absorption post-ablation might lead to increased thromboembolic events.  While these are very real concerns that need to be addressed, the convenience of oral dabigatran dosing and elimination of warfarin monitoring makes dabigatran and other new oral anticoagulants attractive alternatives to warfarin for AF ablation patients.

版面编辑:聂会珍  责任编辑:聂会珍


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