
[AHA2009]胡大一教授与AHA主席Clyde Yancy教授谈心血管病防治

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/12/25 16:38:00



    International Circulation: Professor Hu, how about your experience here at AHA 2009, can you talk about some sessions that you thought were very informative or very useful as a Chinese cardiologist?

    《国际循环》:胡教授,您对AHA 2009的体验如何,作为中国的心血管专家,您认为哪些会议内容更丰富,或有实用价值?

    Professor Hu: I keep coming to this meeting each year and believe that for both acute and chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular disease we should share our information from West to East, from developed countries to developing countries. 


    Prof. Yancy: What I would add is that this meeting is especially a good opportunity to foster international collaboration so 40% or so of our attendees are from international sites. Even in my own discipline there is a Japanese CHF trial that came forward at this meeting demonstrating again this international spirit of collaboration and the spirit of this meeting. I would agree that this is one of the assets of being here, to have the international presence.


    Prof. Hu: Also, you mentioned one your specialty and I’d like to add that across the world it is one disease and one challenge. Just as the West fights heart attach and stroke, China also must fight these same conditions.


    Prof. Yancy: Also what is interesting is that the risk factors that we know are modifiable, they are not just modifiable in western populations but are modifiable worldwide, maybe even more so to exercise good prevention in other areas just because of resources. Modifying diet and salt intake, and particularly tobacco becomes particularly important.


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版面编辑:李雅峰  责任编辑:其他


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