
[AHA2009]胡大一教授与AHA主席Clyde Yancy教授谈心血管病防治

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/12/25 16:38:00



    Prof. Hu: We can learn a lot from our American colleagues, especially from AHA, because you have already demonstrated that cardiovascular disease can be prevented and can be controlled because the mortality of CVD has already declined. Also, you’ve already made a very clear goal for the year 2020, to try to get further 20% reduction of CVD mortality.


    Prof. Yancy: I’m glad you remember that because you are correct. For 2010 we have already seen over 35% decreases in deaths due to coronary disease. You are exactly correct that for 2020 we want another 20% reduction plus the 20% improvement in overall cardiovascular health. This is the first time are using a target of health as one of our goals and I am very excited to see that come about.


    Prof. Hu: That is very exciting of a goal.  In China, as current president of Chinese Cardiovascular Association I would like to setup our own goal to reduce mortality due to stroke and cardiovascular disease, which in China has been increasing over the last 20 years because of lifestyle changes.


    Prof. Yancy: You know that the World Heart Federation has an international goal to see a drop in death due to heart disease by 2020.  Everyone seems to be getting on board with this idea of reducing death due to heart diseases and stroke, and to that we are also trying to get people healthier at the same time.


    Prof. Hu:

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版面编辑:李雅峰  责任编辑:其他


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