
[AHA2011]解析TRACER 研究——TRACER首席研究者Kenneth Mahaffey教授专访

作者:  KennethMahaffey   日期:2011/11/21 16:31:00



    Kenneth Mahaffey 美国杜克大学医学院

    <International Circulation>:  Could you explain the TRACER trial design and results for us?

    Prof. Mahaffey:  TRACER was a trial to evaluate a novel drug called Vorapaxar, which blocks thrombin activation of platelets, one of the most potent activators of platelets.  The TRACER trial was designed to enroll a high-risk patient population with acute coronary syndromes and randomize them to Vorapaxar or placebo, then follow each of them for at least one year to evaluate safety and efficacy with predefined primary and secondary endpoints.  The results showed that for the primary endpoint, it was a quintuple composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or urgent hospitalization for ischemia, that there was a 9-10% relative reduction in the hazard for that outcome for Vorapaxar when compared to placebo.  It did not reach statistical significance with a p-value of 0.072.  This demonstrates a more modest treatment effect than we anticipated when we were planning the trial based on earlier phase II clinical studies of Vorapaxar.  Regarding safety there was more bleeding with Vorapaxar, more severe bleeding, more TIMI major bleeding, all statistically significantly increased, with a 2% increase in moderate to severe bleeding.  There was a trend towards more fatal hemorrhages, which was not statistically significant, and there was as statistically significant increase in intracranial hemorrhage.  


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

TRACER研究Vorapaxar急性冠状动脉综合征ACSKenneth Mahaffey

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